MSN Repair 2 repair problems and common errors in Windows Live Messenger and MSN Messenger-in.
Working in the program is very simple because it contains only one primary key and a menu that lets you choose which errors you want to correct and fix. The program is in Italian language, but the keys are in English so there should be no problems in coping. When you click on "Repair" program begins to work repairing Windows Live Messenger and the MSN Messenger's.
The program can be downloaded from this Download MSN Repair 2 link.
List of error (Error) program that fixes:
Error 81000314
Error 800b0001
Error 81000370
Error 80040111
Error 800401f3
Error 80048820
Error 80048883
Error 80072ee6
Error 80072efd
Unable to send / receive sounds (Plus)
Incorporates Windows Messenger (version already installed on Windows)
Not accessed but not by errors
Unable to add contacts
msn fix I simply no other help to repair a program that solves the problem of music, plus, the problem kontaki and friends and others for error or mistake, if not then contact
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